GINKO BILOBA: This plant may help encourage a sufficient healthy blood flow in scalp which will nourish hair follicles and promote the growth of thick, vibrant and healthy hair. An active blood circulation in a scalp will help supply oxygen and the other beneficial elements such as nutrients, vitamins, proteins, fatty acids and minerals to hair follicles. Ginko Biloba will help follicles to be strong and promote a natural growth of healthy hair.

MULBERRY TREE LEAF: Leaves of Mulberry Tree help cleanse blood and support its circulation. These leaves are a powerhouse of nutrients and are an excellent source of proteins. While containing a wide variety of sugars, polyphenols, flavonoids, steroids, triterpenes 18 amino acids, calcium, phosphorus, magnesium, copper, potassium, vitamins B, C and K, Mulberry Tree leaves contribute to healthy hair growth. Even a small amount of Mulberry Leaf extract massaged in a scalp daily can energise hair roots and provide a fertile ground for growth of healthy hair.

GINSENG LEAF (PANAX GINSENG FOLIUMI): Some studies have revealed that Ginseng has a potential to encourage growth of healthy, thick and shiny hair. When absorbed beneficial elements of ginseng engage in metabolism of periphery organs and support a healthy glucose circulation.

SWEET FLAG (ACORUS CALAMUS): Some scientific studies affirm that both roots and leaves of Sweet Flag possess antioxidant properties. Sweet Flag oils are often employed as cleansing agents. Sweet Flag acts as a softening element, positively influences on nerve system as well as contributes to healthy blood circulation in hair follicles.

WHITE PEONY (PAEONIA ALBIFLORA): Peony is a highly prized plant and is a main ingredient in mixtures used to help relax muscle, cleanse blood and assist during a hormonal cycle. Peony helps with healthy blood circulation, healing cracked skin, anti-aging and nourishment of all organism systems in general. Scientists discovered that many of these positive effects are due to the monoterpene glycosides (especially paeoniflorin) present in this plant, now becoming well known for its anti-bacterial and anti-inflammatory properties. Aside paeoniflorin, Peony also contains such potent elements as astragalin, benzoic-acid, calcium, copper, Gallic acid, glucose, linoleic acid, magnesium, paeonol, potassium, tannin and zinc.

LICORICE (GLYCYRRHIZA GLABRA): Licorice contains a number of healthy compounds such as flavonoids, volatile oils, plant sterols, coumarins, glycosides, asparagine, chalcones, glycyrrhizic acid and anethole. This plant has a remarkable list of beneficial properties. Licorice is useful for various applications including hair cleansing, dandruff prevention and growth of healthy hair. Some medical experiments indicate that Licorice' demulcent agents may soothe irritated and dry skin.

ANGELICA (ANGELICA SYLVESTRIS): A long history of Anglica's remedial (aesculapian) application in various parts of the world including Europe, China, India and Japan can be traced to ancient times. Pinene, a main component of Angelica acquires cleansing properties, supports blood circulation, healthy brain function as well as it beautifies skin. Angelica is also widely acknowledged for its antiseptic properties. Alternative medicine suggests that Angelica can be used to help soothe and calm irritated skin. Some of the bio-chemicals extracted from Angelica's leaves and roots include alpha-phellandrene, trans-carveol, beta-pinene, thujene, beta-caryophyllene oxide, beta-caryophyllene, gamma-terpinene, nerolidol, beta-bisabolene, and germacrene D. The plant also contains such useful components as bitters, tannins, resins, coumarins and pectin.

LOOFAH (LUFAH CYLINDRICA/LUFFA AEGYPRICA): Loofah is known for antiseptic, moisturising and skin embellishment property. Loofah assists with healthy blood circulation as well as it is an excellent natural remedy for eliminating toxic compounds throughout entire body.

JUJUBE (ZIZIPHUS JUJUBE): Due to high nutritious levels and enormous variety of vitamins in its fruit, Jujube helps with a healthy formation of blood vessels as well as maintenance of blood stream, body hormones, bones, muscles, skin, hair, body enzymes and neurotransmitters. Jujube has calming properties and it is an excellent source of natural antioxidants. Jujube is filled with 18 out of the 24 important amino acids, which helps form more than 50,000 proteins in a body. All of the factors listed above help with wound healing processes and various skin conditions including dry and itchy skin. One of the most significant benefits of Jujube fruit is in its property to inhibit the effects of free radicals.

SULPHUR (METHYLSULFONYLMETHANE - MSM): Sulphur is the third most abundant mineral in a body after calcium and phosphorus. Sulphur is present in every cell, with its greatest concentration in hair, skin and nails. It helps body function optimally, playing an important role in its electron transport system, proper vitamin conversion, detoxification, health of joints and proper insulin function. This element also helps with a healthy blood circulation. Sulphur must be present in a body to produce collagen, which helps keep skin soft and supple. Hippocrates, the father of modern medicine, used sulphur to treat skin conditions. Ancient Romans soaked themselves in sulphuric waters to treat skin problems and to prevent the signs of aging.
Sulphur is a keratolytic agent, which means that it helps body to shed dead skin cells. Dead skin cells are responsible for blocking pores and creating conditions necessary for acne causing bacteria to multiply. Sulphur also helps to clarify skin, banish excess oil, take care of pores size as well as prevent and heal blemishes, acne and dandruff. MSM (natural) sulphur helps with glucose metabolism in muscle and fat cells.

SUNFLOWER (HELIANTHUS ANNUUS): Sunflower is one of the healthiest plants for application on skin and hair due to its nutrition compositions. Linoleic acid (the main component of sunflower oil), oleic and palmitic acid, lecithin, carotenoids, tocopherols, vitamins A, D, E, B1, B5, B6, C, copper, phosphorus, zinc, magnesium, folate, potassium, calcium, riboflavin, iron and niacin found in sunflower seed oil make it an extremely healthy product to consume.
Sunflower is known for its properties to clear and moisturise skin as well as comedown irritation and itchiness. This plant helps soften and lubricates hair (thus preventing water loss), provide nourishment and healthy blood circulation in the scalp, prevent breakage in hair as well as make hair soft, shiny and easier to manage.

COIX (COIX LACRIMA JOBI): Coix helps nourish and moisturise skin, treat problem areas on a skin such as redness, blemishes and skin conditions. Coix seed contains about 13-14% of protein, it is rich in Vitamin B1, B12, E, iron, calcium, thiamine, lysine, arginine and adenosine as well as it has ability to clear systematic toxins. These properties of Coix help maintain a healthy immune response.

MULBERRY TREE BARK: Bark of Mulberry Tree was used for its aesculapian properties for centuries in China. Recent studies discover that Mulberry Tree Bark has antioxidant properties and supports immune system. Some hair care specialists promote it as an extract, which helps support a growth of healthy hair.

WALNUT (JUGLANS REGIA/NUX GALLICA): Walnut helps hair to be stronger, conditioned, moisturized and shiny as well as it keeps skin protected from being over-dried and flaky, hence preventing dandruff... Potassium, one of the main elements in walnut, helps with regeneration of cells and hair growth. Zinc, selenium and Omega-3 fatty acids, abundantly contained in walnut, are important factors in growing healthy hair cells, in fighting signs of aging and in producing antioxidant enzymes such as glutathione peroxidases.
Walnut is very rich source of minerals like manganese, copper, calcium, iron, magnesium, zinc, and selenium. Copper is a cofactor for many vital enzymes, including cytochrome c-oxidase and superoxide dismutase (other minerals function as co-factors for this enzyme are manganese and zinc). Walnuts are packed with vitamins such as riboflavin, niacin, thiamin, pantothenic acid, vitamin B-6, folates, vitamin E. The last one is especially important in protection from harmful oxygen-free radicals.

MARLBERRY (ARDISIA JAPONICA): Marlberry is used as a medicinal plant in traditional Chinese medicine, and it is considered to be one of the 50 Fundamental Herbs. This plant has carminative and depurative function as well as supports healthy blood circulation and immune response.

ORCHID (ORCHIDACEAE): There are many historic evidences about medicinal uses of orchids in China, Japan, Europe, Americas, Asia, Australia, Africa and Arabia. Orchid has an antiseptic property. Dried orchid is believed to possess medicinal properties that can support immune system.

ARROWROOT (MARANTA ARUNDINACEA): Arrowroot has been used for cooking, medicine and as an additive to food as well as skin care products. Arrowroot helps sanitise skin, supports healthy blood flow, sooth itching and sunburnt skin.
Arrowroot is a rich source of starch and folates. Folate along with vitamin B-12 is one of the essential components take part in DNA synthesis and cell division. Arrowroot contains high levels of B-complex group of vitamins such as niacin, thiamine, pyridoxine, pantothenic acid, riboflavin as well as some important minerals like copper, iron, manganese, phosphorous, magnesium, zinc, potassium. Arrowroot is used to soothe sunburn as well.

PLANTAIN (PLANTAGO MAJOR): Plantain is effective in healing wounds and calming itchy skin, insect bites and poison ivy burns. Allantoin, a well-known cosmetic ingredient contained in Plantain, is proved to assist with wound healing, normal cell regeneration, skin-softening and preventing dandruff, sunburn and diaper rash. Plantain is very high in beta carotene (A) and calcium, ascorbic acid (C), vitamin K, allantion, apigenin, aucubin, baicalein, linoleic acid, oleanolic acid, sorbitol, and tannin. Together these elements constituents are thought to give plantain mild astringent, demulcent and antiseptic effects.

BONNET BELLFLOWER (CODONOPSIS LANCEOLATA): Bonnet Bellflower is often referred to as an adaptogen, a term usually applied to body's ability to withstand stress and resist disease. Bonnet Bellflower is thought to benefit the entire body by improving strength, stress-resistance levels, normal stamina and alertness of an organism, rejuvenating body as well as supporting a healthy immune system, normal red and white blood cells counts and healthy blood circulation. Topically administered Bonnet Bellflower, which contains echinocystic acid, is frequently used in traditional Chinese medicine for soothing and calming dry and itchy skin.

COMMON WORMWOOD (ARTEMISIA): Common Wormwood is used widely both in western and eastern herbal traditions. Due to its antiseptic properties the plant prevents an occurrence of pimples, cleanses and soothes burnt skin, assist with wounds healing and insect bites, moisturising and reducing dry itchy feelings.

CARROT (DAUCUS CAROTA): The application of carrot in food and medical arias can be traced back via historical documents and paintings as far as 5,000 years. Surprisingly, Carrots were first grown as medicine, not food.
Carrot is not only beneficial when eaten, but it is also very effective for external use such as regenerating soft, supple skin, aiding in new hair growth and strengthening of existing one.
Carrots are rich in vitamins such as vitamins A, C, B1, B2, B3, B6, E, beta-carotene and is loaded with natural antioxidants that help an organism to be carefully guided through ageing process, creating luxurious, soft-to-the-touch hair, supporting a blood circulation, protecting hair and skin from the damaging effects of weather, pollution, dust, sunlight, chemicals, treatments, preventing splitting ends and breakages in hair, moisturizing scalp, thereby helping to generate healthier hair and skin. Carrots can remove harmful toxins from skin causing it to appear younger and revitalized.

CONEFLOWER (ECHINACEA): Coneflower is widely consumed as teas, liquid extracts, a dried herb, and as capsules or tablets.
Coneflower helps with wound healing, acquires antiseptic and antioxidant properties, provides enrichment for a healthy skin as well as supports healthy immune system. All species of this herbal remedy have compounds called phenols which control an activity of specific enzymes and cell receptors, assigned to improve skin condition. Coneflower also contains alkylamides or alkamides, which provide support to immune system, polysaccharides, glycoproteins as well as caffeic acid derivatives.

APPLE (MALUS DOMESTICA): Apple is reach in antioxidants as well as it contains Procyanidin B-2, a natural compound which supports hair's growth phase and follicles' resting phase resulting in lush, healthy and shiny hair growth. Apple contains hair growth relevant vitamins such as A, B and E. Vitamin A helps maintain healthy levels of sebum oil production in the follicles; B-6 produces melanin for healthy hair colour and E supports good circulation and normal blood flow to the scalp. Apples contain potassium, iron, magnesium, calcium, and copper, all of which are beneficial to hair by supporting growth, managing loss and maintaining a healthy scalp. Apple is a natural and an affordable solution for regulating normal hair loss.

VEGETABLE PROTEIN: Proteins are essential in maintaining hair's moisture balance. Protein is beneficial not only for a fine hair but for a damaged or porous hair as well. Protein is used in many deep conditioning treatments as a moisturiser and a suitable product for a weak dry hair and for a dry skin. Protein helps to strengthen and add lustre and body to a hair, which leaves hair shiny, radiant, luxuriant, and healthy.